
5th Global ERM Webinar for year 2011 kick off meeting

ERM Webinarは、今年度で5年目を迎えるが、今年はSOAの事務局の指名で、私が恥ずかしながら世界全体のGlobal Chairを務めさせてもらうことになった。国際関係委員会も5月31日の理事会で委員長を継続することになったので、第四回のERM Webinarの翻訳も同時に進めていく。
以下は、今年度の最初の電話会議を6月2日にキックオフ・ミーティングとして新メンバー構成で開催した議事録である。David Ingram が、シニア・アドバイザーとして議事録をまとめていただいた・

Kickoff for 5th Global Webinar.

Hideyuki - Global Chair & Asia Pacific Chair
Marj - European Chair
Stuart - Americas Chair
Frank - IAA Rep
Jacquenette - Program Manager
Bob - SOA
David Ingram - Senior Advisor

Will have calls bi-weekly until we are completely organized, then will shift to monthly
Next call in 2 weeks at the same time

- Date: week of December 5. (Stuart will be unavailable in December. He will recruit an alternate moderator for Americas program)
- Possible formats - continuous on a single date vs separate dates
- Live & Local speakers vs. Pre-recorded and global speakers
- Results of last webinar - $2k loss on $18k total expense
We should be able to stay with pricing structure and recruit more participants to bring into balance
- Need to identify a theme: one suggestion - Preparing for the Unexpected: Risk Management for Catastrophes, Systemic Risks and the Next Emerging Problem
- Program Length - 3-4 hours vs. 6 hours
- Need to decide if we will repeat format from last time, or repeat format from prior 3 webinars or something else
- Format for first 3 Webinars was to have the same 4 topics in each region and two to 4 speakers per topic for 75 minute sessions (15 minute breaks). The three regional programs ran continuously for an 18 hour total global program. Speakers were all live and all from the local region
- Format for the 4th Webinar was to have each region determine their own topics and exact length. Broadly following the format to have 1/2 to 2/3 of the program be recorded speakers from the other regions and 1/2 to 1/3 of the program being a high profile single local speaker. The three local programs were held the same week on different days. Listeners had the option to pay to hear all three programs, but very few people paid for that option.
- Jacquenette will circulate more information about the prior webinars to all
- Jacquenette will circulate a draft schedule with major milestones for the webinar
- Jacquenette will send out a meeting invitation for the bi-weekly calls.
- Next call we will seek to decide on dates, major format issues, schedule and theme.


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