
新体制での第一回IACA会議開催 APACAの定款作成に取り組む

ケープタウンの総会における選挙で、Ken BuffinにChairmanを引き継いだが、新体制でのIACA電話会議が5月5日に開催された。議案は次のとおりであった。

IACA Committee Agenda - FINAL
5 May 2010
8:00am to 9:30 am Eastern Time

Information Agenda

I. Treasurer’s Report Morten Harbitz
II. Global Development Subcommittee Report Hideyuki Yoshida
III. Membership Services and Development Subcommittee Report Liyaquat Khan
IV. Professionalism Subcommittee Report Emmanuel Tassin
V. Publications and Research Subcommittee Report Andrew Vaughan &
John Schubert
VI. Executive Director’s Report Margaret Sherwood
VII. IAA-appointed Delegates’ Report Nick Dumbreck &
Mike Toothman
VIII. Schedule of Future Meetings Margaret Sherwood

Consent Agenda

IX. Approve Minutes of 6 March 2010 Committee Meeting Morten Harbitz
X. Approve Posting Minutes of 8 March 2010 General Meeting Morten Harbitz
XI. Approve Minutes of 8 March 2010 Committee Meeting Morten Harbitz
XII. Support Rules of Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries (APACA) Liyaquat Khan


XIII. Appointment of Ibrahim Muhanna to fill unexpired Committee Member’s Term Hideyuki Yoshida
XIV. Appointment of Haris Santoso to fill unexpired Committee Member’s Term Hideyuki Yoshida

Discussion Agenda

XV. 2012 Hong Kong Joint PBSS/IAAHS/IACA Colloquium Ken Buffin
XVI. Utilization of IACA Reserve Funds Morten Harbitz
XVII. Members’ Value Proposition Liyaquat Khan
XVIII. IACA Website Development Liyaquat Khan
XIX. IACA Committee Structure and Organization Ken Buffin
XX. Collaboration with Benefits & Compensation International Publication Ken Buffin
XXI. Membership of Function Subcommittees Ken Buffin
XXII. Membership of 2012 Nominating Committee Ken Buffin
XXIII. Future ACA, CCA, APACA, EAAC, and other Conferences Nick Salter
XXIV. Other Business Ken Buffin

この中で、私として力を入れているのは、APACA(Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries)のrules(定款)の策定である。現時点でも、まだ委員の間から修正案がでているが、ほぼ固まってきたのでドラフトを掲載する。いずれは、IAAのIACAのWebsiteに載せる予定である。

Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries

RULES of the Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries (APACA)
(ver. 1.00/May2010) – confirmed by the IACA Committee on [ ] 2010

Article I - Name, Organizational basis, and Location

Section 1. Name: This organization shall be named “Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries,” hereinafter referred to as the “APACA.”
Section 2. Organizational basis: The APACA, a sub-section of International Association of Consulting Actuaries (IACA), a section of the International Actuarial Association (IAA), is a not-for-profit organization and is subject to all the rules that are applicable to IACA.
Section 3. Functional Jurisdiction and Location: The functional jurisdiction of APACA shall be the countries falling within geographic areas commonly called South Asia and Asia-Pacific (hereinafter referred to as the APACA Region) and its office shall be the same as that of IACA. However, for the sake of expediency, APACA may relocate its administrative office to any of the countries within the APACA region.
Section 4. Maintenance of Records and Website: All books and records of the APACA including minutes, records of account, records of members, rules, etc., shall be kept as such records of IACA are kept. The APACA Website shall be a section of the IACA Section Website on the IAA Website.

Article II – Objectives

Article 2 of IACA rules provide:
i) To facilitate the exchange of views and information on an international basis among consulting actuaries on matters affecting their professional responsibilities and business interests.
ii) To encourage and assist in the development of consulting actuarial associations in locations where there is an identifiable need for actuarial skills.

In pursuance of the above IACA Objectives, the APACA is expected to:
• achieve the second objective of the IACA rules for the countries within the APACA Region;
• enhance actuarial consulting capacity in the APACA region and facilitate growth of the consulting market;
• create a networking framework among the consulting actuaries;
• have functional focus over the APACA region.
Within the framework of the above provisions, the key objectives of APACA shall be to:
1) organize IACA sessions in each biennial EAAC conference:
2) arrange more frequent meetings on an “as needed” basis, for example joint seminars or web casts with local and/or other actuarial associations;
3) work with governments and other bodies where appropriate: meet with local politicians, government officials and other bodies to share APACA’s views on legislative developments which affect actuarial consulting;
4) create and maintain a membership database so as to facilitate networking activities and extending other services to APACA members;
5) promote and maintain high professional and ethical standards among its members;
6) enable actuaries engaged in consulting practice and recipients of consulting advice to discuss common issues;
7) promote the interchange of information among actuaries and the various actuarial organizations;
8) keep the public informed of the profession and of the responsibilities of the professional actuary in practice;
9) residual functions: to take all other actions that are considered necessary for enhancement of status of consulting actuaries in the APACA region.

In order to achieve these objectives, APACA shall hold meetings, publish proceedings and discussions, conduct studies, make or sponsor investigations, and undertake such other activities as may appear desirable and necessary.

Article III - Membership

APACA members have to be members of IACA and thus:
i) any existing IACA member irrespective of place of residence can opt to be a member of APACA;
ii) any new IACA member at the point of admission has to indicate whether APACA membership is required;
iii) all rules of membership of IACA apply ipso facto to APACA members;
iv) the APACA membership has to be co-terminus with IACA membership.

Article IV - Meetings of the APACA

Section 1. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the APACA shall be held each calendar year at such place as is designated by the APACA Executive Committee. However, the first Executive Committee including the officers nominated by IACA Committee shall continue in office until the AGM in the year 2014.
E mail notice of the date and place of the AGM shall be sent to the membership by the Executive Director at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of such meeting. For all meetings, attendance by a member whether in person or through conference call shall constitute a waiver of this notice provision.
Section 2. Business Meetings. Business meeting either in person or through conference call shall be held as often as decided by the Executive Committee or the Chairperson, provided that at least four meetings shall be held in each calendar year. An e mail notice of each such meeting shall be sent at least ten days in advance.
Section 3. Meeting attendance and voting. Each member will be entitled to cast one vote upon all matters brought before the annual or any business meeting. There shall be no voting by proxy at any meeting. All APACA members shall be entitled to participate in the AGM and the business meetings are to be attended by the Executive Committee members only. Advisors are entitled to attend the AGM as well as business meetings.
Section 4. Quorum. The quorum required to conduct any business shall be one-tenth (1/10) of the APACA members for the AGM and fifty percent of the Executive Committee for the business meetings.

Article V – The Executive Committee

Section 1. Composition. The Executive Committee of the APACA shall consist of not more than eighteen elected members by procedure as prescribed herein after, excluding the Vice-Chairperson nominated by the IACA Committee, provided, however, that the first set of Executive Committee members shall be nominated by the IACA Committee and shall not constitute as elected members for the provisions of this rule.

Section 2. Responsibility. The Executive Committee is responsible to the IACA Committee.

Section 3. Election and Term of Office. All members of the Executive Committee shall be members of IACA. At each AGM of the APACA, beginning with the AGM in the year 2014, one-third of the members of the Executive Committee as on the date of announcement of the election plus existing vacancy/ies, if any, shall be elected, each to serve for a period of three years beginning with the date of the AGM held after the election results are announced, and shall continue until a successor has been elected. Additional members of the Executive Committee shall be elected as needed to fill any existing vacancy for the unexpired term.
For the purpose of counting one third, fraction of a number shall be ignored and members as nominated to the first Executive Committee shall be exhausted first, drawn by random lot, if required.
An elected member of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election at the expiration of his or her term of office, provided that no member shall be eligible for re-election after having served as a member for two immediately prior consecutive termsfor which he or she were elected, disregarding any period for which he or she was elected to fill a casual vacancy.
Any member ineligible for re-election under the preceding paragraph shall be eligible for election as a member after a period of one year has elapsed since he or she last served as an elected member of the Executive Committee.
No election to the Executive Committee shall cause more than three members from any one firm, proprietorship, or organization to serve as Executive Committee members at the same time.

Section 4. Duties. Within the generality of provisions of Article X, the Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the APACA. It shall fill all casual Executive Committee vacancies, for a period up to the next Annual Meeting, occasioned by death or resignation or from any other cause; authorize the appointment of such committees as it may deem necessary for the conduct of its affairs; appoint the members of any audit committee; promulgate rules of professional conduct for members of the Executive Committee and interpretations relating thereto; authorize the compensation of all employees; and assign any additional duties to officers and committees.

Section 5. Accounting Practice. The Executive Committee shall manage their accounting in compliance with standard accounting practice.

Section 6. Discharged. Other than expiration of office, a member of the Executive Committee may be discharged :
a. In the event of his or her death
b. In the event of his or her permanent disability
c. In the event of his or her resignation
d. For failure to fulfill criteria as referred to in Article V, section 2.

Article VI - Officers

Section 1. Composition. Officers of the APACA shall consist of a Chairperson, two Vice Chairpersons, one of which shall be nominated by the IACA Committee, and an Executive Director cum-Treasurer. However in due course and as and when decided by the Executive Committee, there shall be appointed one Secretary –cum-Treasurer or a Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers shall be members of the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Election and Term of Office. At the AGM of the APACA, beginning with the AGM in year 2014, the Executive Committee members present, by a vote of a majority, shall elect from among the members of the incoming Executive Committee, separately and in the order named, a Chairperson, one Vice-Chairperson and an Executive Director –cum- Treasurer, to serve from the close of that AGM for two years.
Except as herein provided, the Vice-Chairperson not being a nominated to that office by the IACA Committee, or an Executive Committee member in the absence of such a Vice-Chairperson an Executive Committee member duly elected by the Executive Committee, shall succeed the Chairperson at the close of the AGM in the year 2014, subsequent to his or her election, and shall serve as Chairperson for two years concurrent with other officers elected for two years term.
In the event that the office of the Chairperson become vacant, the Vice Chairperson not being a nominated Vice-Chairperson, shall serve as Chairperson until the next AGM. At such meeting, the Executive Committee members, by a vote of a majority of the whole Executive, shall elect a Chairperson to serve from the close of such meeting until the close of the next AGM.
A Vice-Chairperson shall not be eligible for re-election at the meeting when he or she has served as Vice -Chairperson for a period of two consecutive years.
A retiring Chairperson who was elected as Chairperson shall thereafter be permanently ineligible for election to the office of Chairperson..
In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-Chairperson not being a Vice-Chairperson nominated by IACA, or the Executive Director or any other office/s created in due course the Executive Committee shall, by majority vote of the whole Executive Committee, elect a successor to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
Section 3. Duties. In addition to such duties as may be assigned to officers from time to time by the Executive Committee, the officers shall perform the following:
a) Chairperson. The Chairperson shall preside at all Business meetings and the Annual Meeting and shall appoint all Sub-Committees, Working Groups, and Task Forces as authorized to do so by the Executive Committee.
b) Vice-Chairpersons. Each Vice Chairperson shall have such duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson or by the Executive Committee.
d) Executive Director - cum- Treasurer. The Executive Director shall record and file minutes of all business meetings and the Annual Meeting; send all notices of meetings; oversee the APACA affairs; and in general perform all customary duties of the office of the Executive Director.
e) The Executive Director –cum-Treasurer in his/her capacity as Treasurer shall oversee all funds; facilitate collection of the annual dues and co-ordinate with Executive Director and Secretary of IACA Committee all financial matters as relate to APACA.
Section 4. Removal of an Officer for Cause. An officer who is incapable of fulfilling the duties of office or appropriately representing APACA in the duties of that office, shall either resign or be subject to removal by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may remove such an Officer by an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the Executive Committee members present and voting at any business meeting of the Executive Committee, called for the purpose. A vote for removal shall occur only after the officer against whom such action is proposed, has been advised of the same and has been given reasonable opportunity to present a defense before the Executive Committee.

Article VII – Advisors

The Executive Committee shall appoint Advisors to itself, as many as it may consider appropriate, out of senior members of the actuarial profession and/or out of eminent members of consulting fraternity. The immediate past-Chairperson shall be an Advisor ex officio.

Article VIII – Amendments

The APACA may amend its Rules from time to time by the following procedure:
Section 1: Any proposed amendment must be approved by a majority of the members of the whole Executive Committee.
Section 2: As soon as practicable after approval by the Executive Committee, but not less than thirty-five (35) days prior to the date set by the Executive Committee for the return of ballots, a copy of the proposed amendment shall be sent by Executive Director to all the members.
Section 3: An amendment shall be submitted to IACA Committee for approval only if approved by at least two=third (2/3), plus one, of the members who express their vote. All members must be given notice of the proposed amendment. Notices shall be effective five (5) days after the mailing thereof when sent to the e mail address on record of APACA data base.

Section 4: All rule amendments under this Article VIII shall be effective only after IACA Committee has approved the same.

Article IX - Prohibition Against Private Inurement

No part of the net earnings of APACA shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, Executive Committee members, or officers, or other private persons, except that the APACA Executive Committee shall be authorized and empowered, on request being made to IACA Committee, to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered in furtherance of its objectives and to make purchases for all items needed for the reasonable conduct of its business.

Article X – IACA Directives

APACA will abide by the directives, if any, issued by the IACA Committee from time to time.

Article XI - Dissolution
Dissolution of the APACA and distribution of its remaining assets, after payment or provision for payment of all lawful debts, shall be determined by the IACA Committee.

Article XII – Effective Date:
These rules shall come in to effect on the date of approval by the IACA Committee.


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